Friday, August 23, 2013

Thing 4: Mapping and Geolocation Tools

So, this topic has taken a whole different path than I expected, and has led me to try soooo many new tools!  I decided to create a QR code scavenger hunt based on The Daring Librarian's.  I would love to do something with Geocaching, but I haven't found something relevant yet, so I will try to come back to that later in the year.

This has been a project that led me to many mini projects.  Some of the new tools I have used are:

goanimate: Avatar creation
Toondo: Avatar creation
Photoshop- Layering pictures
Flickr- Created an account for the first time!
Blabberize- pulled things I had already created
Smore- Created quick poster
Jing- Another round Screencasting with this tool
Handbrake- File conversion (Jing creates Flash)
YouTube- First time uploading here!
Voki- Past project pulled in Creates shorter URL links and QR Codes

I created a Google Doc based on Gwyneth Jones' scavenger hunt, and have been gathering all of the clues, which I am now working on creating QR codes for.  It is still a work in progress, but I have had a lot of fun with it.

I am excited about this as a way to introduce the use of iPads in the library also.  (I am getting 8 iPads for students to use in the library this year.)  Now I just need to work with a teacher to schedule some classes to come in.  :)

Monday, August 12, 2013


I have spent lots of time with this "Thing 3", although I am just now writing this Blog about my thoughts.  I was really excited about this topic, because I have been wanting to find and participate in a MOOC for awhile, and this was good motivation.  It has been much more difficult than I expected to find something I want to take.  I had not initially expected them to all have specific start and end dates, although in the ling run I can see how this makes them more worthwhile, as you can work collaboratively with other people.  I have decided to do an iTunes U course on iPads in education, as we are going to be getting a set of iPads in the library and I want to ensure I have lots of ideas to get them being used.  I am excited about what I will be learning there, and will try to commit to blogging about that experience.

Here is where I struggle.  I am a very active consumer in my PLN, regularly visiting Twitter (at least during the school year), reading the Blogs I follow, participating in Webinars, however I am not very good about creating new content myself.  This is something I have always wished I was better at.  I love to gather new information, and I regularly put it into action, I am just not very good at creating new information myself.  I have committed to getting better about this though.  I created a new Blog (which I spent a full week trying to decide on a title for), and I am going to make a conscious effort to blog at least once a week.  If anyone would like to check it out I finally decided to call it "An Open Book" (  

In addition I wanted to share my thoughts on Feedly, which I am loving!  As someone who relied on Google Reader, I was very anxious to find a new tool.  After reading a whole bunch of articles on what is out there I decided to go with Feedly, and I am really enjoying it.  The iPad App is very graphically appealing, and well organized, as is the website.  I actually find myself reading more blogs because the App is so readily available and visually welcoming.  I like the categories and color coding, those are the kinds of things that help me stay organized.  If you are looking for a way to gather your Blogs and RSS feeds this is a great option.