Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Thing 27: DIY: Social Reading

For my DIY exploration it was perfect for me to do the social reading "Thing", because I have recently taken on a challenge to become a more globally minded educator and expand my reading choices.  I am going to "Read Around the World in 80 Books".  This was an idea that I got while leading a PD class on the New Literacies, including Global Literacy.  I got the idea from another blogger who did a similar challenge, and loved it!
My goal is to blog about the books as I read in my personal blog.  In addition I have created a Google Map of my reads, so that I can embed the reviews right into the map as well, and track and share my progress there.  I have only just begun, but I'm excited about this challenge, both personally and then the opportunity to share it with both students and teachers.
Through this "Thing" I have spent some time exploring the site goodreads, and I'm excited to use this in tracking my reading progress as well as using shared lists and connecting with friends.  After I feel more comfortable with the site and have filled out my "Shelves" more fully I may add a widget to the library page as well.  In the past I have used Shelfari, but it seems that has fallen from popularity, and since this is a social tool, I want to use the tool which will feel most natural for connecting with both teachers and students.

Through my explorations of social reading I have also discovered Epic Reads, which I have subscribed to through my Feedly account.  This site has lots of great YA book lists, quizzes, and display ideas.  A good place for connecting with teens and books.  I am hoping to connect my Book Club students with this fun resource as well.
Another site, which has given me ideas for connecting my Book Club and MakerSpace for next year is the site Book to Art Club, with ideas for how to lead book discussion while making things relevant to different titles- what a cool idea!  I am excited about the possibilities there, and look forward to promoting that in the fall- I think this year we are too close to the end, but next year I will jump on this idea.

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