I really enjoyed reading many of these articles, but the one that resonated with me the most was Joyce Valenza's "My Top 10 Tech Trends". Below I will outline some of my goals for the 2015- 2016 school year, based on some of these tech trends.
1. Social media IS the new media.
I have started this year to shift from being a passive observer on Twitter to an active participant. I want to continue to increase my activity there, as well as increase my presence in Google+ Communities. I have joined the Global TL Community and am not considering starting a Community for more local PD as well.
This year my library
Facebook page has taken off, although students are not the biggest users, but parents instead. Next year I think that I will explore a library Instagram.
2. Transparency is the new platform
This year we became huge fans of Google Classroom, and I have both used it myself with classes and trained other teachers on how to use it. I love the new feature to have multiple teachers in a course- makes it so much more useful for me. I look forward to watching the growth of this great tool to stay connected with students.
I would like to implement the use of a Process Portfolio when I am working through research projects next year. This would give students, teachers, and myself a tool to guide us through the process and then be able to reflect on the steps as well.
3. Global is the new literacy
I am super excited about this one!! This year I co-taught a PD course at our school on the New Literacies from Heidi Hayes Jacobs, and Global Literacy in particular resonated with me. One of the things that I am doing from this is "Reading Around the World in 80 Books", and creating a
Google Map with book reviews embedded in the map. I am hoping to do a smaller version with students in book club next year, having them read one book from each continent and creating Google Maps with book reviews.
In addition I would like to expand our opportunities to connect with classes and educators from around the world, and look forward to getting more ideas and connecting with others on this topic at ISTE 2015!
5. 1:1/ mobile is the new computer lab
This year was the first in our three year roll out of a weLearn Initiative, our version of 1:1 computing. At the high school 7th and 10th graders all have computers this year, and next year 8th and 11th grades will receive the computers. I have worked hand in hand with our Instructional Technologist to deliver meaningful professional development to prepare teachers for this rollout. We will have another round of that this summer and will continue to work with teachers and students to embed inquiry throughout instruction and technology use.
8. Making is the new learning
This has been a major theme for us this year, and I have written about it in a previous
blog. Next year I hope to work in depth at redesigning our space into a Learning Commons to reflect the shift in roles here in our library.