In order to match audience with purpose I am exploring the needs and values of each of the groups separately. I have gathered some information for each, and have additional ideas for how to gather more. As I think through the priorities, needs and challenges faced by each of these groups I am also considering how to best craft my message to reach them through various media tools.
Students want a comfortable space in which to learn and socialize. They also want books/ materials that match their interest readily accessible. I would like to gather more specific data on their needs and priorities through a brief student survey. I am exploring the method in which I should conduct this survey to maximize on responses and student buy in. I think providing a digital survey on iPads at our sign in desk is what I am leaning towards right now, although I want to also capture data from students who don't come to the library as frequently.To share how we can and are responding to their needs I want to continue rotating displays and bulletin boards, but I would also like to add posters that share our circulation statistics (to battle the perception that students aren't reading, or that it isn't cool to read), both of our physical collection and our digital collection. I also need to increase my use of social media. Our library has a presence on Facebook and Instagram, as well as my professional presence on Twitter, but I need to harness this power more frequently, and find ways to point students to our web content. I would like to increase student content shared on our social media tools as well as include them more frequently in programs and library events/ activities. Once I get students following our social media I can build their engagement with the content provided for them there.
Working closely with teachers, both collaboratively and through professional development, I know that they are concerned with student achievement, instructional implementation and meaningful professional development resources. They are also pressed for time, so keeping things concise and purposeful is key to delivering a message to them. To meet this need I have hosted "Power Lunches" to teach a new tool, share resources, or highlight an instructional technique. In addition, I regularly send out a newsletter to our faculty providing resources. I would like to expand the content in these newsletters to include evidence and data from the library, perhaps in an Infographic style. In addition, creating a fresh ThingLink of resources would be valuable.Administration
"Engage... Foster Potential... Inspire Achievement"
The priorities of our administrators is similar to our teachers, with a key focus on student achievement. Although I work closely with our administration on the curriculum team, and am in constant conversation with them about how to best meet the needs of teachers and students, I realize that I haven't found a specific and concise way to showcase the role of the library in student achievement. One area I would like to explore is the link between participation in our summer reading program and achievement on STAR reading assessments.
In addition, our district is embarking on a Strategic Planning process, and I would like to participate on some level with the development of this plan and then look for direct connections I can make to the goals and vision that are developed out of it.
Board of Education
The Board of Education will be focusing in large part on this Strategic Planning process, and it will be imperative that I can connect with them based on the goals set. Before even embarking on this process, they have already asked us this year that when we present at Board meetings (departments present on a rotating basis), that our focus is on presenting evidence and data to communicate strengths and needs. Although I am not scheduled to present formally this year, I will tailor my end of year report to address that request.Going through the previous two "Things" and this one in Cool Tools has helped me develop these plans, and I am in the process of gathering this type of meaningful data to include in an end of year report.
This is a really solid plan! Lots of great ideas. So glad this topic gave you the time to organize your thoughts and plans.