I really appreciated the article that said, "Facebook is old school, Twitter is succinct, Instagram is highly polished and curated but Snapchat is silly and goofy and fun." I typically share all of my posts across platforms, but this got me think not only about there being different audiences, but also a different purpose within these medias.
Since then I have been asking myself more about the type of content and tone/ mood being shared through each. I would say that Facebook reaches more of an adult audience, in particular our school community (teachers and parents, etc.), Twitter is my professional platform where I connect with other educators both within and outside of my school, SnapChat and Instagram are more where students live. Even within these medias I should have a different type of presence though- lighter on SnapChat and more polished on Instagram.
To this end, I have spent some time playing- especially on SnapChat. I created a Filter and experimented with sharing it for others to download- that could be a lot of fun incorporated into some broader contest or interactive board, so I will revisit it when we do Bookopoly later this spring.
Some of the ideas I have for hashtags for rotating/ intentionally presenting pictures are listed below:
Book Snaps
Global Connections
Bookopoly! That sounds like fun. How does it work? Nice distinctions about the various platforms and how you use them. I love your Currently Reading graphic.